Friday, March 22, 2013

The Information Super Railway

I just reached page 243 of The Tyranny of Expanding Information. It's passages like these that make me love being in English courses. Starting out my involvement with WWU's English department in Prichard's classes, I've really started to love reading about technology and its affects on society. As lovely as it is, I've started to feel like our course materials are curriculum for the world's most poetic anarchists. 

We're often considering mankind's loss of control in the rapid development of the mechanized system of transferring and storing information. It has become something of a runaway train and we're just conductors holding on for dear life in engine room and frantically pushing buttons because they're there. 

If we don't like the direction we're going, is our only option to start breaking things?

Edit: (This was written two years ago. Not sure why it wasn't published.)

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